The Pets Thread...


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
I'm on my second english bulldog. My wife used to breed them before I met her. When we moved in together I inherited her English Bulldog. When that one passed away I bought her the one we currently have. You probably are right though. It's the stubborn personality. When I want the dog to do something, it just ignores me. But on the flip side when it's just me and the bulldog, it's easy. The dog just wants to waddle around and lay around my feet. Doesn't cause any trouble. Doesn't run off. Won't piss or shit in the house when I'm with it. But if I put the dog in a kennel and leave it will piss all over the kennel as like a protest for not being happy with what I have done.
Yea it takes a lot to get them to do something if they don't want to do it, my dog basically only listens to me and that's only like 75% of the time. They're awesome though.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
When Little Rocky died at 1 and a half years old, I was talking to my uncle and he told me something that stuck... "The amount of pain you feel when you lose a pet is the price you pay for the love you received from them".

Made sense to me.
Definitely poignant.


Semi-contributing member
Apr 7, 2013
We have run the gamut when it comes to pets. We have had dogs, cats, horses, rabbits, fish, ferrets, and hamsters.

I am allergic to cats but as long as they are short hair I can handle them. my daughter got a cat for Christmas when she was 4. When she moved out it stayed with us along with my wife’s cat. He got
To a point where he was 20 years old and falling apart. I took him to the vet to be put down. I didn’t think it would bother me but he was a good cat and I cried like a baby.

The ferrets were great pets. The odor isn’t as bad as some make it out and they are hilarious to watch play.

I have always loved dogs. Had a black lab mix when I was a kid that was just excellent. Smart, loving and good natured.

About 7 years ago our lab died and I thought I could go without a dog in the house but that didn’t last long. We have 3 dogs now. Both my boys have small stupid yippie dogs a Pom/chihuahua mix and a jack Russell. They have grown on me but I have never been a fan of small dogs. My girl is currently a German Shepherd/ Norwegian elkhound mix. She is super smart and loves kids. She had to have surgery about a year ago because she ate a pair of shorts that she couldn’t pass.

Pets have a special place in our home. Not sure how people can abuse pets or treat them like things.


DCC 4Life
Dec 29, 2020
I have the biggest, dumbest, boxer you ever saw in your life. He's sweet as all get out, loves everyone, except cats. Had to put a shock collar on him to try and stop the cat chasing. My neighbor has an outside cat, and I already got injured trying to keep Barron from chasing her. He's way to big to ever catch her, but he's so damned dumb, I am afraid he will get lost. lol Wife has a Chorkie (mutt). She's a damned mess as well. She basically has the memory of a goldfish. Get her to stop shitting inside, and whamo! I forgot....


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Mah puppy is the goodest girl in the world.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

At first, I was skeptical. But one of the cats did get real spaced out and stared at my phone, which he never does. I will try it on the older one later and report back.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013

At first, I was skeptical. But one of the cats did get real spaced out and stared at my phone, which he never does. I will try it on the older one later and report back.

I have 3 (God shoot me). I only got 1 to react and she looked half interested at the phone and at me.

Any reaction is likely due to the fact that cats tend to react to any loud or weird noise.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
Dogs are the absolute best fucking creatures in the world.

It hurts like hell when you lose them, but that's why we've always kept a couple at a time that way we don't get into that phase where you have no dogs and you're dealing with the pain of losing one which then leads to you not wanting another.

Dogs are beautiful and loyal pets that deserve a good home. As long as I'm alive, I'll always be in the company of a dog....or 3.



28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
You can put me in that category.
Dude, trust me, so was I. Every single cat I had ever encountered my whole life was just an asshole. Then after the Pom died, my daughter got the grief kitten. Then another one. The first one was okay, but now is turning into a grump, the second is a cool ass motherfucker.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Dude, trust me, so was I. Every single cat I had ever encountered my whole life was just an asshole. Then after the Pom died, my daughter got the grief kitten. Then another one. The first one was okay, but now is turning into a grump, the second is a cool ass motherfucker.

I am similar. The right cat is awesome. Way better than a dog.

The wrong cat can suck, but the wrong dog also sucks.
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