White Americans Have to Make a Choice

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Man, I just bored my wife with an hour of this. I'm on my phone so excuse me. The white man is pissed. I can't go into much more detail on my phone, but the guy from Google hit it on the head. Overboard discrimination policies are partly to blame. Shift the scales too far and you are being discriminatory yourself.

But, by saying that, I'm a bigot, apparently.
Try being white and old. That's a ready made target for everyone.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
100% agree that most white people are cunts who cannot fucking fathom in the fucking slightest what black/brown people have to endure.

Just as an example, no whitey on this board has any fucking idea what it is to fear for your life when pulled over by police just because you have dark skin.
Most black and brown people don't have any fucking idea what that's like either.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
When you go from the 60’s race relations to today what differences do you see? Is it better, worse, somewhere in between? If better, how have we progressed? If worse, how have we regressed? If worse, do you see it getting better any time soon or are we simply fucked as a nation?

I have said many times that we should stop making everything about race if we are to ever get better as a country. We need to focus on the real racial issues instead of fabricating new ones. The dickheads that walked down those streets in VA shouting racial hatred should be beaten down. Yesterday, I blamed both sides for the violence, and while both sides hold some blame for the overall state of our country, what happened in VA lies solely at the feet of those racist motherfuckers that incited it.

Now, with that said, what would cause those dumbasses to band together and do that? That’s the question that has been burning in my mind. What could possibly cause someone to hate another person simply because of the color of their skin? No answer I come up with bears any logic, whatsoever. But, there must be an answer, right? I mean, the dickheads aren’t making their racism up. What is the motivator? Do they truly believe that they are a superior race simply because of the pigment of their skin? Seriously?

I can understand the argument that the BLM movement has worked as a catalyst and that could be driving some of this hatred from the white supremacists. But, that can’t be all of it. Can’t be. That level of deep-rooted hate doesn’t come from witnessing a couple of events. So, what is it? I’m seriously asking, because I can’t seem to fucking come up with this answer on my own, and it is really bugging me.

Now, this post isn’t just about the white man. There is blame on both sides. What causes a man to execute 6 cops? What could possibly go through someone’s head to cause this action? What could have possibly happened in their lives that justifies murdering 6 innocent cops? The rare instances that a cop shoots a black man? Well, guess what, cops shoot white people, too. You just don’t hear about it because it doesn’t make the news. I just don’t understand the hate, and I need someone to explain it to me. I really do.

Rant over.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Are you nerdy?
I don't think so, and I really want to roll with the gangsters, but so far they all think I'm white and nerdy. Perhaps it's because they see me rolling on my segway. Perhaps it's because I eat all my sandwiches with mayonnaise. Perhaps it's because I'm fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
I don't think so, and I really want to roll with the gangsters, but so far they all think I'm white and nerdy. Perhaps it's because they see me rolling on my segway. Perhaps it's because I eat all my sandwiches with mayonnaise. Perhaps it's because I'm fluent in JavaScript as well as Klingon.
I think it might be the mayo. Diversify with other sandwich stuff.
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